Yashwantgad Fort

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Yashwantgad Fort

Yashwantgad Fort Type                     Yashwantgad is a hill fort.     

Difficulty level    Yashwantgad is easy to trek. 

Height                  Yashwantgad is 236 ft (71 meters) above sea level.     

Base village / District / Taluka -  Rajapur / Ratnagiri / Rajapur, Maharashtra,India.

History of Yashwantgad Fort

It is an oceanside post developed on a high ground. The fortification is all developed from laterite rocks which are accessible in the territory. There is one elephant cut out of these rocks in this stronghold.

Vetalwadi Fort.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Vetalwadi Fort.

Vetalwadi Fort. Type                           Vetalwadi is a hill fort.     

Difficulty level           Vetalwadi fort is medium trek. 

Height                         Vetalwadi is 1900 ft (579 mtrs) above sea level.     

Base village / District / Taluka - Vetalwadi / Aurangabad / Soygaon, Maharashtra,India.

History of Vetalwadi Fort. From Undangaon redirection on Sillod – Jalgaon street, the Halada Ghat specifically takes us to the passage of the Vetalwadi fortification. This passage invites us with the 2 immense bastions with an alternate enormous bastion behind it, which are developed to assault the adversary entering.It likewise has brightening balustrade.

Vasota-Forts in Satara-Hard trek near Pune-Maharashtra

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Vasota-Forts in Satara-Hard trek near Pune-Maharashtra

Vasota-Forts in Satara-Hard trek near Pune-Maharashtra


Type                     Vasota is Hill fort (Forest fort)     

Difficulty level    Vasota is difficult to trek. 

Height                  Vasota is 4267ft (1300 meters) above sea level.     

Base village / District / Taluka -  Bamnoli / Satara / Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra, India.

History of Vasota Fort Vasota Fort also known as Vyaghragad was defended by the Tai Telin, wife of Pant Pratinidhi who was the killedar of the fort when he was captured. Vasota fort is related to the Kolhapur Shilahara Raja Bhoja IIin 1178 - 1193 of Panhala.

Vasai Fort

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Vasai Fort

Vasai Fort Type                       Vasai is a coastal fort.     

Difficulty level      Vasai Fort is an easy trek. 

Height                      --     

Base village / District / Taluka - Vasai / Thane / Vasai, Maharashtra, India.

Vardhanad Trek-Vardhanad fort-Forts in Satara-Maharashtra

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Vardhanad Trek-Vardhanad fort-Forts in Satara-Maharashtra

Vardhanad Trek-Vardhanad fort-Forts in Satara-Maharashtra Type                         Vardhangad is hill fort.   

Difficulty level        Vardhangad is easy to trek.

Height                      Vardhangad is 1500ft (470 meters) above sea level.   

Base village / District / Taluka -   Vardhangaon / Satara / Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra, India.

History of Vardhangad Fort Vardhangad is a hill fort that lies on the Bhadle-Kundlaspur of the Mahadev range on the boundary between Koregaon and Khatav talukas. Vardhangad Fort is around 20 km from Koregaon. The fort is around 900 feet high Koregaon side and 700 feet high on the Khatav side.

Vairatgad Fort

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Vairatgad Fort

Vairatgad Fort Type                           Vairatgad is Hill fort     

Difficulty level           Vairatgad Fort is a medium trek. 

Height                        Vairatgad is 3340 ft. (1018mtrs) above sea level.     

Base village / District / Taluka -  Vyajwadi, Mhasve / Satara/Jaoli, Maharashtra,India.

History of Vairatgad Fort Shivaji Maharaj used this fort as a military base he included this fort when he conquered the Wai region in his kingdom before this, the fort was built by Bhoj Raja, the Kolhapur Silahara chief Bhoja of Panhala.

Underi Fort

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Underi Fort

Underi Fort Type                            Underi Fort is a Sea fort.     

Difficulty level            -- 

Height                         --     

Base village / District / Taluka -  Thal / Raigad / Alibaug, Maharashtra, India.

History of Underi Fort Underi fort which is also called as Jaidurg is a fortified island near Mumbai Harbour and to the south of Prong's Lighthouse. Underi Fort is a neighbouring fort of Underi and currently lies in Raigad District. The islands of Underi and Underi are served as one of the landmarks of ships entering Mumbai Harbour.